
As it approached the star liner, WALL · E’s small probe ship was swallowed inside the Axiom’s docking bay, where it was locked safely into place. 


Still clinging to the outside of the ship, WALL · E saw the loading dock come to life. From every corner, gleaming service robots of all sizes and descriptions appeared. Their names shining on their front panels, they paused until lines appeared in front of them on the floor. Apparently, the bots carried out their directives by following these preprogrammed lines around the ship.


The probe ship’s cargo doors smoothly slid open, and WALL · E saw EVE. She was still shut down; only the green light on her chest was flashing.


“Eee-vah?” WALL · E whispered as a chrome-trimmed crane-bot lifted her out of the hold and lowered her onto the huge deck below. WALL · E was careful to speak softly and remain hidden.


Immediately, a squad of robots surrounded EVE. To them, she was Probe One. A tiny mint-blue robot with a bristle-brush head was beeping orders to the rest of the robots. His name was M-O. He was a microbe obliterator with one simple directive: clean.


M-O scanned EVE. Disgusted, he computed that she was fifteen percent contaminated with dirt. He signaled his crew, who hurried along bright red lines on the floor to begin the cleanup. A vacuum-bot, a sprayer-bot, and a buffer-bot zipped along their lines to do their jobs.


As M-O continued to scan the probe-bots on deck, he suddenly came across WALL · E, who was boxed up and nervously trying to blend in. M-O turned to the boxed robot and scanned him: 100% FOREIGN CONTAMINANT! A red light popped out atop M-O’s head and a siren began to wail.


Poor WALL · E, having spent centuries cubing trash, was very dirty indeed. M-O instantly charged at WALL · E in a cleaning frenzy. Frightened, WALL · E pushed him away with his front panel.


M-O tried again. WALL · E rolled backward, leaving a dirty trail on M-O’s immaculate floor. M-O lunged forward and scrubbed at the track marks. Amused by his power over the cleaning-obsessed M-O, WALL · E had another idea. Just to see what might happen, he decided to stick out his tread and make another spot on the floor. M-O leaned over and scrubbed at it compulsively.


Teasing him now, WALL · E wiped one of his treads on M-O’s head. M-O went crazy, trying to rid himself of the yucky stuff.


Suddenly, two steward-bots—the policing bots of the Axiom—emerged from a wall. Nearby, a small robot shot out of a pneumatic tube and into the docking bay. It was Gopher, the Captain’s personal assistant. He quickly gave orders to the steward-bots. Then he headed toward the probe-bots. A blaring siren sounded, prompting the cleaning crew to snap to attention.


Gopher began to scan each probe-bot. He checked WALL · E and then moved on to the next robot. Realizing that something wasn’t quite right, he stopped for a moment. He turned to look WALL · E over again, but the little robot was gone. Gopher continued until he finally came to EVE.


Gopher scanned EVE, and instantly, every alarm on deck began to sound. Green lights flashed everywhere. A hover transport glided up to Gopher. He beeped and ordered the crane-bot to lift EVE into the vehicle. Gopher climbed into the driver’s seat and navigated the transport into an open elevator.


“Eee-vah!” WALL · E called, hurrying after the transport. He managed to hop inside the elevator just before its doors closed.


Behind him, the other bots began to file out of the loading dock. Each robot moved strictly along its designated line. M-O discovered WALL · E’s latest filthy trail. But the dirt veered away from M-O’s designated line, and bots were never supposed to go off their designated lines. Not ever.


M-O looked at his departing crew, then back at the dirt that irresistibly called to him. He closed his eyes and did something no service robot aboard the Axiomhad ever done: He jumped off his designated line. Somehow, WALL · E had had a strong effect on the industrious cleaner-bot.


Cringing, M-O slowly opened his eyes. He looked around cautiously. No alarms. No whistles. Nothing had happened! That wasn’t so hard, he decided, and cheerily began following WALL · E’s tracks, scrubbing as he went. He was determined to find and clean this bot.


【Madikat】 Witchy [17P 206MB]
声优小野大辅将要在2月17日至20日出演TOKYO FM高桥南的广播节目《これから、何する?》。在这档节目中,小野将朗读日本的童话故事给观众们听。
《打工吧!魔王大人》官方网站日前发布了动画第 3 季的全新预告 PV。同时官方宣布了动画将于 7 月 13 日首播。新视觉图:官方还宣布了三位新的配音演员,他们分别是:· 法法雷洛(CV:杉田智和)· 伊尔恩(CV:潘惠美)· 卡麦尔(CV:小林亲弘)第三季将于 7 月 13 日晚上 11:30 开始在日本 TOKYO MX 和 BS11 频道首播。
るに - pixiv[88P-156M]
Uy Uy Mei
【PingPing】 Marine Houshou Casual [21P 232MB]